Realpolitik Ends Pilgrim Fathers Founded United States Divine Destiny
Renowned International banker Meguerditch Bouldoukian reviews Washington’s seismic global policy shifts
President Trump is conciliatory toward Russia, yet defiantly challenging China?
He seeks to sidestep a two front war. He views China as the priority threat to America. There is this fear of being dragged into a Vietnam conflict in Europe at the expense of confronting what he views as the main enemy which is China.
Russia threatens Europe with World War 3. China in contrast only threatens Taiwan?
Trump views threats in economic terms. Is Russia a threat to the US Economy? No. China in contrast does and is doing so. Not only in terms of trade. But much more dangerously in finance. In harness with its other BRICS partners it is white anting the USD as the world’s reserve currency. This challenge is reinforced by its Belt and Road scheme which in spite of a deliberate Western policy of see-no-evil is an integral part of this scheme.
The White House gives the impression of being as angry with the EU as it is with China?
The White House view is that France and Germany in particular deliberately instigated the current European upheaval. Germany for political reasons and for a long period of time re-financed Russia by relying on it for the supply of its base energy load fuels. This frustration is in turn intensified by the knowledge that the United States itself saw what was going on. But only in recent weeks has it done anything about it. France the Trump White House views as the amalgam of all the EU faults of hoping for the best and spending money on welfare and special-interest causes instead of on defending itself.
Britain meanwhile indicates that it will deploy military forces to defend Ukraine?
The UK has accepted the danger of the European situation and is striking out on it own.
While on Realpolitik, how do see the Trump White House operationally?
A dismaying aspect of the Western view of the United States is the way in which people who should know better fail to understand its political spoils system. This spoils system became notably evident in the way in which the sinking Biden Administration tossed out vast amounts of public treasure to its pet causes especially those in the climatic sector.
This leads us to a co-equal Trump theme of the true cost to the West of artificial restraints on energy output?
An obvious by product of this cause has been to lead us to this brink of a new World War in Europe. This is because governments sensitive to their non-productive upscale socially conscious electors went to Russia for energy instead of using their own resources. I am reminded that for most of the last half of the last century the overwhelming cause of this same class was over-population. The population bomb was going to destroy the planet. The proof that this cause no longer captures the anguish of this class is personified by the cult-like White House figure Elon Musk said to be the father of at least 12 children.
Focusing now on the China sphere of influence how do you see Australasia crunched between the White House and Beijing?
Australia’s position is the most sensitive. Australian commentators resisted the tread softly approach of the rest of the Anglosphere media over the origins of Covid, notably Sharri Markson who correctly identified where it came from, when and how. We must remember a consequence which was Chinese tariffs on Australian wine amounting to hundreds of percent. This leads me to caution the region about its vulnerability to this type of sanction and I cite non-tariff barriers. I notice South Australia at district level pushing back on rural alternative energy industrialisation and this may be in order to forestall electro chemical contamination grounds for imposition of non-tariffs. I should add that both Australia and New Zealand in the current mood present routine tempting targets for United States penalties because of their own favourable balance of payments with the United States.
There remains this belief that the tariffs on China are unfair, vengeful?
I agree about the vengeful bit. President Trump believes that China’s rulers have systematically arranged China’s economy around deliberately building up these trade surpluses. That the CCP has managed the suppression of things like consumer investment and spending so that the economy is a purpose-designed export machine tasked with the expansion of surpluses. In other words it is not a market economy.
You could say in contrast that the ructions in Washington’s bureaucratic sphere in terms of efficiency or lack of it show that the United States operates under a creative and unplanned chaos?
Nations such as those of the EU which greatly benefit from this absence of this method and order and thus accumulate huge balance of payments in their favour also expect the United States to dig deeper still and pay for their defence. I might add that the destinations disclosed or still vaguely indicated about the dispersal if not dissipation overseas of so much US treasure is calculated to dismay any book keeper, not to say banker, however impartial.
Founded by the Pilgrim Fathers it is said that America is the only nation established to do good in the world?
It is this era that we now see dissolving before our eyes. No more Marshall Plans. This is why Trump has stated bluntly that the price of Ukraine relying on America to defend it is to hand over rights to transactional commodities such as its high value minerals. Trump believes that the price of American ideology is its immense deficit. This deficit Trump views as arming China as it sets its sights on displacing the USD with its own reserve currency.
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