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Ministers attend Australia-NZ Leadership Forum

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Deputy Prime Minister Bill English will lead New Zealand's Ministerial delegation to the annual Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF) in Sydney tomorrow.

Mr English will be accompanied by Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce, Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy, Trade Minister Todd McClay, Customs Minister Nicky Wagner, and Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith.

“The Forum brings together over 200 chief executives from the largest trans-Tasman companies to engage with both Governments on initiatives to strengthen our $24 billion trade and economic relationship,” Mr English says.

“Seventy five per cent of New Zealand exporters generate income in Australia, so it is vital that we keep the trans-Tasman economy energised.”

Separate to the ANZLF, Mr English will hold talks with Australian Treasurer, Scott Morrison, while Ministers from both sides of the Tasman will meet to discuss new initiatives to reinvigorate the Single Economic Market agenda.

“We are continuing to build a seamless trans-Tasman market so that it is as easy for New Zealand businesses to operate in Sydney as it is in Auckland,” Mr English says.

During the Forum Mr English and Mr Morrison will launch the Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP), which is designed to provide greater transparency to our construction sector, as well as global investors, to better identify infrastructure opportunities on both sides of the Tasman.