"Given the strong public interest and enormous ramifications of this decision, it’s crucial this process isn’t rushed," says PEPANZ CEO Cameron Madgwick.
"Our industry doesn’t want a Block Offer this year if it means an undemocratic process. This means there should be no reason now for urgency.
"There has already been a shocking lack of consultation since the surprise announcement was made in April. To now slash the consultation time doesn’t seem fair, open or transparent to the communities, workers, and iwi directly affected.
"Given some of the outrageous comments from relevant MPs in the debate tonight, we have little confidence in a fair hearing from the Environment Select Committee. This is especially so in such a short timeframe which gives so little time for MPs to consider evidence and write a properly informed report.
"The legislative changes in the bill involves serious economic and environmental issues and go even further than expected. There needs to be proper scrutiny of the impacts through a normal four to six month select committee process.
"The entire process has been a disgrace with no warning, no consultation and the Government trashing their own expert advice on the devastating impacts of this policy."