An extraordinary range of innovation driven by UC academic research across UC’s colleges will be showcased in presentation and displays on campus in the new Ernest Rutherford building on Wednesday 23 May, 5pm to 8pm.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Ian Wright says the over-arching theme is an ideal one given UC’s vision of people prepared to make a difference – tangata tū, tangata ora. The event covers three sub-themes: environmental sustainability, urban form and wellbeing, and the new digital society.
“One of the most exciting challenges for our researchers is developing technology and innovation which will have a positive impact on society. Many UC researchers are leading projects that promise to be a part of our extraordinary future, and the line-up of presentations is not only exciting but impressive in the breadth of scope of the work being undertaken here.”
Environmental sustainability will be explored through presentations on the role of agricultural tech disruptors in producing sustainable food, The Storminator™ which can improve water quality, and top predator research within Antarctica’s Ross Sea Marine Protected Area.
The future of urban form and wellbeing will be investigated, with the chance to learn about the international award-winning Shell Eco-Marathon vehicle, a presentation on nutrition, mental illness and wellbeing in the workplace, and a discussion about the impact of autonomous vehicles.
What the new digital society may look like is considered in presentations on the challenge of regulating Artificial Intelligence, the upsides and downsides of participation in social media and the extraordinary world of The Blockchain.
Register to attend free: Techweek18: UC People Making a Difference - Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 5pm to 8pm, in the Ernest Rutherford building, University of Canterbury, Ilam. Find a full list of UC presentations here.
See a Techweek18: UC People Making a Difference video here: