CADPRO Systems offer advice worldwide and its got Matthew Weake, CADPRO'S Manufacturing Manager, thinking - have a listen here . . .
CADPRO Systems offer advice worldwide and its got Matthew Weake, CADPRO'S Manufacturing Manager, thinking - have a listen here . . .
Palace of the Alhambra, Spain
By: Charles Nathaniel Worsley (1862-1923)
From the collection of Sir Heaton Rhodes
Oil on canvas - 118cm x 162cm
Valued $12,000 - $18,000
Offers invited over $9,000
Contact: Henry Newrick – (+64 ) 27 471 2242
Mount Egmont with Lake
By: John Philemon Backhouse (1845-1908)
Oil on Sea Shell - 13cm x 14cm
Valued $2,000-$3,000
Offers invited over $1,500
Contact: Henry Newrick – (+64 ) 27 471 2242