Well if this has got your interest I would be keen to have a chat with you.
Four years ago when MSCNewsWire was first launched our goal was to gather news and content from the factory floor a.k.a. workplaces of New Zealand and run it on the MSCNewsWire site along with our own original material. It has worked a ttreat but we still have a lot of factory floors to get to!
Now very soon we are going to introduce new technology that will make the gathering of news so much easier. Yes its digital in nature but fortunately it has an old fashioned ring to it and is voice/speech related.
We do need to get the word spread though and what could be better than harnessing experience and facilitating communication with people who know each other!
No matter whether tou live in Invercagill or Kaitia or a place in between there will be some good things happening in workplaces near you that deserve to be profiled in the public arena. You can help make that happen. Don't worry you will not be expected to write the articles!
Having read this far into the article I can only but asume that you see this is an opportunity to be looked into. If so then why not email me - max@mscnewswire.co.nz or give me a call on 027 628 2033 to find out more.