Continue to full release || April 23, 2018 |||
Apr 23 - The Moroccan authorities have mounted a charm offensive in New Zealand to protect their vital phosphate trade with this country. Morocco produces about 75 percent of the world's phosphate, much of it mined in the Western Sahara.Opponents of the trade have long argued that Morocco runs an illegal military occupation of phosphate-rich Western Sahara.
And, as a result, New Zealand should not be buying products from there.
Palace of the Alhambra, Spain
By: Charles Nathaniel Worsley (1862-1923)
From the collection of Sir Heaton Rhodes
Oil on canvas - 118cm x 162cm
Valued $12,000 - $18,000
Offers invited over $9,000
Contact: Henry Newrick – (+64 ) 27 471 2242
Mount Egmont with Lake
By: John Philemon Backhouse (1845-1908)
Oil on Sea Shell - 13cm x 14cm
Valued $2,000-$3,000
Offers invited over $1,500
Contact: Henry Newrick – (+64 ) 27 471 2242