Population-Food Emergency Fears Contradicted as Fertile Land Use diverted in Europe and Australasia
Determination by governments in Europe and the Westminster sphere to placate their urban and privileged electorates continues to play into the expansionary plans of the Russia-China axis.
These governments insist on appeasing their sophisticate electorates by restricting the supply of base load energy through taking fertile land out of food production, and loading punitive costs on farmers.
The politico-media urban class driving this constriction on food production insists on viewing their role as a crusading one on behalf of the planetary welfare.
Even now and as the advent of World War 3 is freely discussed by these same urban sophisticates and also by their media which needs to humour this class for its adverting revenue there is the shared reluctance to countenance the consequence of this moral crusade.
Russia saw from the start the swiftly developing weakness of the Western middle class in the form of a desire to express communal guilt by rationing access to energy.
Russia exploited it quickly causing for example Europe’s strongest economy, Germany, to handicap itself by closing down its own power stations and using instead Russia for its base load energy.
This morality-inspired gullibility was underpinned in turn by the West’s soothing conviction that there had now occured the End of History, a grandiloquent code for saying peace for all time.
During the Cold War Russia had been governed by at least a troika or collective. It now became ruled by a single individual, a tyrant.
The moral state of hysteria engendered by the End of History stupor is illustrated by the way in which it found its way to the Antipodes, a region considered to be immune in large measure from the old Cold War threat.
Successive New Zealand governments in order to ensure the adherence of its urban middle class electors have deliberately lashed the nation with policies designed to boost the cost of farm output by raising the price of electricity and other such inputs as petrol and diesel.
Incredibly given that farm output is the nation’s economy this has been shamelessly reinforced by a second-tier scheme.
It is to to even reduce farmland acreage and thus the world supply of food by taking swathes of high-yield farmland out of production by various taxpayer funded incentive and subsidy schemes.
The pasture-replacement forestry –planting scheme is noted for its continuously disappointing auctioning of its once-vaunted globally offsetting credits designed to allow credit holders to make countervailing messes in other countries.
An entire state-driven industry which under various guises cooks up and dispenses propaganda remains devoted to boosting the guilt level should the nation falter in its zeal to impose these hobbling sanctions on itself.
Central to this guilt-generating deliberately-imposed delusion there is a state secret.
It is that New Zealand with its hydro dams and geothermal energy is ultra successful in that it is alongside Iceland when it comes to applying renewable power.
The element of deliberate and dishonest self-torturing deception in this borders on the farcical.
But there are some harsh reminders to public individuals and governments should they be tempted to treat this moral movement lobby with anything but the mystical admiration it expects.
Western governments have some gruesome reminders of the insidious power of the urban sophisticate class in enforcing their superstitious ardour.
One of these is the fate of Cardinal Pell whose ability to solve sacred and secular problems saw him installed as the Vatican’s second most powerful figure.
The late Cardinal George Pell explained that the scheme to seek alternatives to base load power amounted simply to a tax on the working class levied by the global financial manipulators responsible for “devising” these alternative power sources.
The compulsion to make manifest the conflict between guilt and unearned privilege has been a feature of this entire category of moral movement and its vengeful advocates.
The previous alarm centred on the world’s population growth led to a similar moral panic about the world’s ability to feed this overwhelming population.
Then there came a transitionary category of such alarms ironically based on the availability of the energy to deal with this explosion of hungry mouths.
Peak oil is one example. Food miles is another.
These in turn coalesced into the current and much more demonstrably and fervently expressed anxiety.
An irony overlooked by its practitioners and advocates and by politicians piously acquiescing in the communal alarm is this.
It is not only the way in which the current angst in so many ways contradicts the previous scares.
It is because Russia successfully duped Europe notably by getting Germany for political reasons to become addicted to Russian base load energy instead of relying on Germanys own ample power stations.
This in the event detonated the current reality acute food insecurity everywhere by cutting off production from the globe’s single largest repository of fertile black (not raw) earth which belongs to Ukraine.
In turn the contagious anxiety spread to Australasia’s bread baskets by taking out of production high yield pastoral land.
This merely to provide the world’s well to do with the offsetting advantage of claiming they are doing virtuous things at the bottom of the world
In turn and as Cardinal Pell fearlessly observed we are witnessing a reverse form of socialism in which workers bear the cost of this new form of unchallengeable look-good contrived politics while the non-productive capital-shuffling class reaps the reward internationally.